The Breviora project

We attend conferences, seminars, meetings, etc. where a large number of slides are used, filled with information that the speaker reads during the presentation. This dynamic make understanding difficult due to the large volume of information presented, also taking away attention and interest from the audience who read in advance what the speaker is going to present.
The speaker should not read the slides, but should use them as a guide to explain the key points of his presentation, maintaining the attention and interest of the audience.
Breviora (from the Latin, “the shortest”) proposes two decks of slides: one for presentation and one for backup.
The slides for the presentation are made with quality images reinforced with short texts following a story line that allows the speaker to transmit his message during the presentation in a structured and clear way.
The backup slides include the information presented in more detail and are used to answer questions and doubts from the audience.